Dogmatics II

Dogmatics is the branch of theology which tries give an analytical reflection on Christian doctrine. The goal of this course is to present the teaching of the Church concerning these topics in their historical context in order to develop the ability to formulate the christian doctrine as relevant as possible for the present age.
In the second semester we are going further with anthropology, chritology, soteriology, sacramentology, pneumatology and eschatology.


Specific competences

The student will be able to analyze and interpret the content of the Christian faith, and can apply it on different fields of ministry.

General competences

After having acquainted with the main topics of dogmatics, the student will be able to confess the actuality of christian faith in the contemporary cultural medium.

Course structure

  1. The guilty (wicked) man; peccatum originale et actuale (original and actual sin).


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 156-177 (22)
    • Tillich, Paul: Rendszeres teológia, 272-295 (24)
  2. The free and the servile will. „Simul iustus et peccator”. The pelagian controversy, human merit and divine grace.érdem és kegyelem.


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 131-134 (4) 138-143 (6)
    • Török István: Dogmatika, 259-284 (26)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 327-337 (11)
  3. Incarnation; divine and human natture of Christ; communicatio idiomatum.


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 163-179 (17)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 252-268 (17)
    • Tillich, Paul: Rendszeres teológia, 339-347 (9)
  4. The glorification of Christ: His resurrection and ascension. The triple duty of Christ.


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 197-204 (8)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 295-301 (7)
    • Török István: Dogmatika, 326-369 (44)
  5. The meanings of Christ's death: sacrifice, victory, absolution, moral example.


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 179-197 (19) 347-357 (11)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 305-320 (16)
  6. The nature and validity of the salvation in Christ: deification, justification, authentic being, political liberation, spiritual freedom.


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 204-209 (6)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 320-326 (7)
    • Tillich, Paul: Rendszeres teológia, 357-370 (14)
  7. The basic meanings of predestination


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 245-271 (27)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 347-351 (5)
  8. The problem of predestination in Arminianism, in the thoughts of Karl Barth. The thesis of Max Weber.


    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 351-355 (5)
  9. Definition of the sacraments: accedit verbum ad elementum et fit sacramentum. The meanings of the baptism. The problem of infant- and adult baptism.


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 232-238 (7)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 379-384 (6) 387-391 (5)
    • Török István: Dogmatika, 447-458 (12) 464-476 (13)
  10. The Lord's Supper: transsubstanciation, consubstanciation, memorialism.


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 238-245 (8)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 384-384 (1)
  11. Pneumatology: teh person and work of the Holy Spirit. Person or only divine power? Transpersonal reality; the controversy concerning His deity.


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 209-217 (9)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 224-228 (5)
    • Török István: Dogmatika, 369-383 (15)
  12. The characteristics of the Church: one, holy , catholic, apostolic. The visible and the invisible Church; Church and state; Church and world religions.


    • Tavaszy Sándor: Református Keresztyén Dogmatika, 218-232 (15)
    • Török István: Dogmatika, 383-401 (19)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 356-373 (18) 392-405 (14)
  13. The Kingdom of God in the tension of "right now" and "not yet"; the controversy and theological relevance of the immortality of the soul.


    • Török István: Dogmatika, 496-499 (4)
    • Tillich, Paul: Rendszeres teológia, 649-656 (8)
  14. The tension of "even today you will be with me" and "he will be resurrected on the last day". Universal salvation or the dualism of salvation and hell (reprobation)?


    • Török István: Dogmatika, 483-494 (12)
    • McGrath, Alister: Bevezetés a keresztény teológiába, 406-416 (11)
    • Tillich, Paul: Rendszeres teológia, 657-668 (12)

Total estimated time

Classroom study

  • 2 hours/week (Course: 1 | Seminar: 1 | Practice: 0)
  • 28 hours/semester (Course: 14 | Seminar: 14 | Practice: 0)

Individual study

  • Time for studying course notes and bibliography: 75 hours/semester.
  • Time for further documentation in libraries, electronic platforms, or on the field: 25 hours/semester.
  • Time for preparing essays, papers, or documentation: 15 hours/semester.
  • Time for personal tutoring: 5 hours/semester.
  • Total individual study: 120 hours/semester.
  • Total estimated time: 148 hours/semester.


The student must know the main concepts of dogmatics, their biblical, historical and philosophical background, and must evaluate them in a relevant way.