Theological English language I

Theological English introduces the students to the most commonly used English Theological expressions, makes the student capable to recognize them in context, to understand them in interrelation and to use them properly and adequately in writing and speaking. It develops the students’ reading and communication skills in English spoken Theological language.


Specific competences

Specific competences In the first semester students learn the particularities and the acquirements of knowledge in Theological English, they begin to collect their active Theological English vocabulary and they learn to read and write more effectively. The students come to know and learn the basic concepts of English Theological thinking, start to use them correctly; they read, write and translate in English Theological texts.

General competences

General competences The students get to know the basic concepts of English Theological thinking, they use them correctly, read, translate and draw in writing English Theological texts.

Course structure

  1. Introducing Theological English


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 1-17 (17)
  2. Learning, reading and writing strategies


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 19-48 (30)
  3. English Bible Translations


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 37-43 (7)
  4. Comparing the Characteristics of English and Hungarian Bibles


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 49-56 (8)
  5. The Usage of Bible Thesauruses, Bible Commentaries and Bible Lexicons


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 56-67 (12)
  6. Basic Terms in Theological English : Differences in English and Hungarian Understanding


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 68-76 (9)
  7. God: Oneness and Threesome in Holy Trinity


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 77-110 (34)
  8. Revelation: God's Word in the World and in Us


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 111-134 (24)
  9. Developing Vocabulary: Readings in the Categories of Holy Trinity a Revelation


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 129-133 (5)
  10. Humanity, Biblical Anthropology - Who are We in the Light of the Scriptures' Teaching


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 139-168 (30)
  11. Developing Vocabulary: Readings on Biblical Anthropology


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 157-163 (7)
  12. Developing Vocabulary: Readings on Biblical Anthropology


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 157-163 (7)
  13. Christology- Jesus, the Son of Man


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 169-185 (17)
  14. Christology: Christ, Redeemer of the World - IS GOD


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 186-202 (17)
  15. Revision: Deepening the Learned Ideas


    • Pierson, Cheri L., Dickerson, Lonna J., Scott, Florence R.: Exploring Theological English. Student Textbook: Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar for ESL/EFL, 1-202 (202)

Total estimated time

Classroom study

  • 2 hours/week (Course: 0 | Seminar: 2 | Practice: 0)
  • 28 hours/semester (Course: 0 | Seminar: 28 | Practice: 0)

Individual study

  • Time for studying course notes and bibliography: 28 hours/semester.
  • Time for further documentation in libraries, electronic platforms, or on the field: 14 hours/semester.
  • Time for preparing essays, papers, or documentation: 6 hours/semester.
  • Time for personal tutoring: 2 hours/semester.
  • Total individual study: 50 hours/semester.
  • Total estimated time: 78 hours/semester.


Students will write papers and will hold conversations during the English classes all semester along. At the end of semester they will have a recapitulative written paper.