As a result of the application examinations in July and September, 24 new first year students will be enrolled for the academic year 2015-2016.
Final results of the application exam (BA) for the 2015-2016. academic year

From the Reformed Church District of Transylvania 13 students (4 f / 9 m), a from the Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék 7 students (3 f, 4 m), from the Hungarian Unitarian Church 4 students (4 f) have successfully passed the exam and application interview.
The following table summarises the details (EREK - Reformed Church District of Transylvania, KREK - Reformed Church District of Királyhágómellék, MUE - Hungarian Unitarian Church).
Name of student | Church (district) | Exam average |
Andrei Imelda Paula | EREK | 9.873 |
Bálint Szilárd | KREK | 9.593 |
Benczédi Zsófia | MUE | 7.645 |
Búcsi Brigitta | KREK | 9.318 |
Demeter Henrietta | EREK | 9.431 |
Demeter Lídia Hajnal | KREK | 10.000 |
György Szabolcs | EREK | 9.128 |
Illyés Hunor István | EREK | 9.770 |
Juhos Barnabás Attila | KREK | 8.974 |
László Bernadett | MUE | 7.624 |
Mátis Szidónia | KREK | 9.324 |
Nagy Róbert | EREK | 8.803 |
Okos Rebeka-Júlia | EREK | 9.668 |
Orbán Attila | EREK | 9.844 |
Szabó László | EREK | 8.376 |
Szász Ferenc | EREK | 9.285 |
Szegedi Máté Bence | KREK | 8.130 |
Szombatfalvi Etelka | MUE | 8.357 |
Várdai Dávid | KREK | 7.173 |
Veress Eszter Orsolya | EREK | 9.109 |
Vincze Zoltán | EREK | 7.487 |
Tamási Noémi | MUE | 8.239 |
Tatár László | EREK | 7.743 |
Torkos Ákos József | EREK | 8.303 |