The specific objective of this course is to introduce the student into the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible by means of summarising presentations, section by section and chapter by chapter. Topics to be tackled include the primeval and patriarchal periods, the exodus, the Sinai covenant, the desert wanderings. The course homes in on the interpretative enterprise en ensemble, which subsumes comprehensive knowledge about the authors and historical background of the individual books of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible and its wider cultural milieu in the ancient Near East.
Course catalogue
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz · Cred 4 · Sem 1 · Őszi |
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz · Cred 4 · Sem 2 · Tavaszi The specific objective of this course is to introduce the student into the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible by means of summarising presentations, section by section and chapter by chapter. Topics to be tackled include the conquest and monarchic traditions, the message of the former prophets, the place and relevance of poetic and wisdom texts, and the exilic and post-exilic periods. The course homes in on the interpretative enterprise en ensemble, which subsumes comprehensive knowledge about the authors and historical background of the individual books of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible and its wider cultural milieu in the ancient Near East. |
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz · Cred 4 · Sem 3 · Őszi The main objective of this course is to provide a detailed description of the content of the text of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, of the history of the literature and of the isagogics of ancient Israel. This objective will be achieved through the employment of the various books of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible as primary sources and extra-biblical texts as secondary sources. |
Csaba Balogh · Cred 4 · Sem 6 · Tavaszi Biblical texts are analysed by synthetising linguistic, literary, compositional, historical and theological information. The aim of this course is to introduce the student into the exegetical methods by means of which this synthesis can be achieved. |
Csaba Balogh · Cred 5 · Sem 7 · Őszi BB41 · Old Testament exegesis I The aim of this course is to illustrate the process of interpretation of the Old Testament by concrete examples. The course will help the student to take a critical stance towards texts and their interpretations. The course will further allow a thorough look at a concrete biblical text (Isaiah 7:1-9:6). |
Csaba Balogh · Cred 5 · Sem 8 · Tavaszi BB42 · Old Testament exegesis II The objective of this course is to present exegetical problems pertinent to the prophetical literature of the Old Testament. With its peculiar vocabulary and in most cases specific linguistic structures, prophecy forms a distinctive type of literature in the Bible. As a case study, this course is concerned with the Book of Habakkuk, which illustrates well how this process of rereading opens up new questions for the interpretation. |
Dezső Kállay · Cred 4 · Sem 1 · Őszi At the Introduction to the New Testament I course we present the conditions and the circumstances regarding the formation of the synoptic traditions, we introduce the attendee into the substance of the synoptic problems and their possible solutions. |
Dezső Kállay · Cred 4 · Sem 2 · Tavaszi At the Introduction to the New Testament II course we present the literary history (author, addressee, where, when and the circumstances in which they were written, the reason for why they were written, the literary unity and their structure) of the gospel according to John, of the Acts of the Apostles and of the early letters of Paul written to the congregation (1,2 Tessalonians, 1,2 Corinthians), their main content, the most representative theological themes and motifs. |
Dezső Kállay · Cred 4 · Sem 3 · Őszi At the Introduction to the New Testament III course we present the literary history (author, addressee, where, when and the circumstances in which they were written, the reason for why they were written, the literary unity and their structure) of the letters of Paul written to the Galatians, Romans, Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians and the Pastoral epistles, their main content, the most representative theological themes and motifs. |
Dezső Kállay · Cred 4 · Sem 4 · Tavaszi At the Introduction to the New Testament IV course we present the literary history aspects (author, addressee, where, when and the circumstances in which they were written, the reason for why they were written, the literary unity and their structure) of the letter written to the Jews, of the General epistles, as well as of the book of Revelation, their main content, their most representative theological themes and motifs. |
Dezső Kállay · Cred 4 · Sem 6 · Tavaszi The Methodology of New Testament Exegesis presents those steps which helps us to get closer to a defined meaning regarding the New Testament texts. It enumerates those specific tools without the partial tasks, that are meant to aid the comprehension process, cannot be completed: the most reliable documents regarding the original text and the aiding tools for their comprehension like dictionaries, cyclopedias, grammar, comments, monographs and studies. |
Czintos Emese · Cred 2 · Sem 1 · Őszi BN11 · English language I The course is designed to develop the English language skills of theological students. The challenge is to create situations in which students consolidate their knowledge, become more fluent in speaking and improve everything that is related to comprehension. The grammar areas cover the needs of the students. At this level grammar is needed to fill the gaps in their knowledge and deepen their understanding. The other purpose is to develop fluency in speaking. |
Czintos Emese · Cred 2 · Sem 2 · Tavaszi BN12 · English language II The course is designed to develop the English language skills of theological students. The challenge is to create situations in which students consolidate their knowledge, become more fluent in speaking and improve everything that is related to comprehension. The grammar areas cover the needs of the students. At this level grammar is needed to fill the gaps in their knowledge and deepen their understanding. The other purpose is to develop fluency in speaking. |
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz · Cred 2 · Sem 7 · Őszi BN27 · Theologisches Deutsch I Der Kurs verfolgt das Ziel die Studierenden mit den theologischen Fachbegriffen aller theologischen Disziplinen vertraut zu machen. Die Einheiten sind modular konzipiert und umfassen das Lesen, Hören und Reden. In den Sitzungen werden Themen nach der Wahl der Studiereden besprochen und in die erwähnten Module eingebaut. Zu jedem Thema wird ein Text ausgesucht, den der Studierende nach der gemeinsamen Übersetzung schriftlich zusammenfasst. |
Kató Szabolcs Ferencz · Cred 2 · Sem 8 · Tavaszi BN28 · Theologisches Deutsch II Der Kurs verfolgt das Ziel die Studierenden mit den theologischen Fachbegriffen aller theologischen Disziplinen vertraut zu machen. Die Einheiten sind modular konzipiert und umfassen das Lesen, Hören und Reden. In den Sitzungen werden Themen nach der Wahl der Studiereden besprochen und in die erwähnten Module eingebaut. Zu jedem Thema wird ein Text ausgesucht, den der Studierende nach der gemeinsamen Übersetzung schriftlich zusammenfasst. |
Edit Somfalvi · Cred 4 · Sem 5 · Őszi BP21 · Catechesis I In the first semester the students will get to know their own psychological progress and recognize their skills, abilities and limits in teaching and education. Furthermore they will learn the basic vocabulary of personal psychology, of developmental psychology and of education theory, they will adopt the constructive pedagogy's point of view and they will master to use it in ecclesiastical circumstances. |
Edit Somfalvi · Cred 4 · Sem 6 · Tavaszi BP22 · Catechesis II Catechesis II builds organically on the topics learnt during Catechesis I, now the students will learn to use all the general knowledge in each age group, in the meantime they become able to create timetables, class-plans, efficient teaching and to articulate their understanding about teaching, learning and education. |
Horváth Levente · Cred 4 · Sem 5 · Őszi BS31 · History of Doctrines I An introduction to the literature and themes of the patristic period, from the first to the seventh centuries. Emphasis will be on reading and discussing primary sources in translation. |
Horváth Levente · Cred 3 · Sem 6 · Tavaszi BS32 · History of Doctrines II An introduction to the literature and themes of the patristic period, from the first to the seventh centuries. Emphasis will be on reading and discussing primary sources in translation. |
Sándor Béla Visky · Cred 4 · Sem 7 · Őszi BS41 · Dogmatics I Dogmatics is the branch of theology which tries give an analytical reflection on Christian doctrine. The goal of this course is to present the teaching of the Church concerning these topics in their historical context in order to develop the ability to formulate the christian doctrine as relevant as possible for the present age. |