Scopul acestei cercetări este pregătirea unui comentariu critic asupra cărții profetului Habacuc. Analiza va lua în considerare cele mai importante rezultate din cercetările asupra cărților profetice din punct de vedere filologic, redacțional, fenomenologic, istoric, arheologic și teologic.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The current research project focuses on the Book of Habakkuk, providing a Hungarian commentary on the Hebrew text of this prophetic book. This biblical book was composed during the Neo-Babylonian period, a very significant transitional era in the history of formation of the Old Testament. This research goes beyond offering a mere philological satisfaction for a reader dealing with an ancient text and also highlights the book’s existential topics, such as social justice and its ultimate survival in a world wounded by oppression and arrogance.
Jelen kutatás célja egy kritikai kommentár elkészítése Habakuk próféta könyvéhez. Ehhez a bibliai könyvhöz 1930-ban született meg az utolsó olyan magyar nyelvű magyarázat, amely érdemben foglalkozik a szöveggel. A most készülő kommentár figyelembe veszi általában a prófétai könyvekkel kapcsolatos kutatás legfontosabb eredményeit filológiai, redakciótörténeti, vallásfenomenológiai, kortörténeti, régészeti és nem utolsó sorban teológiai szempontból.
Küroszi Theodórétosz (393–460) egyházatyának A görög betegségek orvoslása című, 12 részből álló terjedelmes apologetikai munkája betekintést nyújt a keresztyén teológia és a görög filozófia ókori vitájába. Szerzőnk nem úttörő ebben a műfajban, sőt: munkája bevallottan a korábbi tanítók hagyományára épül, de nem marad le sem Alexandriai Kelemen Sztrómatája, sem Caesareai Euszebiosz Praeparatio evangelicája, sem Órigenész Kelszosz ellen írt műve mögött.
În studiul Vechiului Testament textele primare din cultura vechiului Orientul Apropiat reprezintă cea mai importantă sursă de informații. Vechiul Testament s-a născut într-un context care prin tradiția sa literară se leagă pe nenumărate puncte de structura și ideologia textelor orientale. Scopul cercetării este pregătirea unei ediții bilingve anotate de culegeri reprezentative de texte scrise în limba acadică, care îl va ajuta pe cititorul Vechiului Testament în a înțelege lumea de gândire și particularitățile lingvistice ale acestuia.
In the study of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible), the texts of the Ancient Near East are of primary importance. The Old Testament was written in a context which is connected with thousands of ties to the societies of the ancient world of the Fertile Crescent. The close connection between the Bible and the Near East is often explicitly marked by the biblical authors. On other occasions, further research is required to highlight the parallells. This research aims to make availablea representative collection of ancient texts in translation to Hungarian students and readers of the Bible. The translation is accompanied with the necessary annotations underlining the parallels between the biblical texts and its Near Eastern counterparts.