Ószövetségi teológia

Az unalomérzet tulajdonképpeni jelenségéről az Ószövetség néhány helyén olvashatunk. Ennek fogalmát a qúc igegyök hordozza, amely ott, ahol az unalomérzetet fejezi ki, kizárólag csak személyes igemódban fordul elő.

In Jeremiah 28, there is a dispute between the prophets Jeremiah and Hananiah over the (il)legitimacy of prophecies of salvation concerning Judah and prophecies of judgement regarding Babylon. On the eve of Jerusalem’s fall to the Babylonians, the prophet Jeremiah, who proclaims judgement on Judah at the hands of Babylon, appears to be the true, genuine, canonical voice of God.

In Jeremiah 28, there is a dispute between the prophets Jeremiah and Hananiah over the (il)legitimacy of prophecies of salvation concerning Judah and prophecies of judgement regarding Babylon. On the eve of Jerusalem’s fall to the Babylonians, the prophet Jeremiah, who proclaims judgement on Judah at the hands of Babylon, appears to be the true, genuine, canonical voice of God.

In Jeremiah 28, there is a dispute between the prophets Jeremiah and Hananiah over the (il)legitimacy of prophecies of salvation concerning Judah and prophecies of judgement regarding Babylon. On the eve of Jerusalem’s fall to the Babylonians, the prophet Jeremiah, who proclaims judgement on Judah at the hands of Babylon, appears to be the true, genuine, canonical voice of God.

A biblika-teológia számomra mindig az exegézis lényeges horizontja volt, de vajon hogyan kell azt szakként tanítani? [...] Én a bibliai bizonyságtételek sokféleségében olyan témára akartam rámutatni, amely a bibliai könyvek gyűjteményén belüli összefüggést világítja meg.

The specific objective of this course is to introduce the student into the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible by means of summarising presentations, section by section and chapter by chapter. Topics to be tackled include the conquest and monarchic traditions, the message of the former prophets, the place and relevance of poetic and wisdom texts, and the exilic and post-exilic periods. The course homes in on the interpretative enterprise en ensemble, which subsumes comprehensive knowledge about the authors and historical background of the individual books of the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible and its wider cultural milieu in the ancient Near East.


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