
The interpretation of Exodus 4:24-26 is very controversial. Scholars have treated this text from various viewpoints on the basis of divergent methods or approaches. Two fundamental problems cause uncertainty about the origin and meaning of this text. One problem has to do with the nature of Exod 4:24–26. Another problem is the identity of the persons mentioned in Exod 4:24–26. This book arranges forty-two documented interpretations under each approach or approaches, presenting the view of each scholar proposing his/her interpretation of Exodus 4:24–26 in chronological order.

Ezekiel 18 and 20 offer possibilities for redefinition because they offer examples of collective and individual responsibility. Therefore, the study of Ezekiel 18 and 20 needs to precede determining whether these chapters offer a reliable textual basis toward a vision of the relationship between individual and collective responsibility in Ezekiel, with the use of the term ‘corporate responsibility.’ An overview of the field of Ezekiel scholarship is also relevant for arriving at a position within which the results may be described.

Subiectul oferă o introducere din perspectiva istoriei literaturii, istoriei textelor şi a canonului, precum şi o introducere teologică în cărţile Vechiului Testament. Cursurile şi testele au drept scop tratarea amănunţită a conţinutului cărţilor şi dobândirea cunoştinţelor biblice.

Subiectul oferă o introducere din perspectiva istoriei literaturii, istoriei textelor şi a canonului, precum şi o introducere teologică în cărţile Vechiului Testament. Cursurile şi testele au drept scop tratarea amănunţită a conţinutului cărţilor şi dobândirea cunoştinţelor biblice.

The Aleppo Codex, the most splendid, old, and accurate manuscript of the Bible, is presented here for the first time in full color photograph, permitting the reader to examine the handiwork of the greatest of the Masoretes, who were active in Tiberias in the tenth century, Aharon Ben Moshe Ben Asher, and to gain an impression of the way the Masoretes worked to preserve the accurate text of the Bible and the reading tradition.


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