În ITP calitatea este o parte constitutivă a existeței și misiunii institutului, cu un simț real a cea ce inseamnă comunitatea academică - conclude raportul recent.
Asociația Europeană a Universitățiilor (EUA) a finalizat evaluarea instituțională

The focus of the IEP is the institution as a whole and not the individual study programmes or units. It focuses upon:
- Decision-making processes and institutional structures and effectiveness of strategic management.
- Relevance of internal quality processes and the degree to which their outcomes are used in decision-making and strategic management as well as perceived gaps in these internal mechanisms.
Rather than using a standardised, externally defined set of criteria, the evaluation is guided by four key questions, which are based on a “fitness for (and of) purpose” approach:
- What is the institution trying to do?
- How is the institution trying to do it?
- How does the institution know it works?
- How does the institution change in order to improve?
The report concludes that the PTI is a small institution with a clear mission and with leadership, staff and students who are strongly committed to the fulfilment of the mission. The supportive role of the founding churches is decisive for the existence, the operation and the improvement of PTI. At the same time, the mixed role of the founding churches as beneficiaries and as employers of the graduates ensures the regular flow of students from education to employment.
PTI is an institution which addresses all three missions of higher education, i.e. education, research and service to society. PTI is an institution in which quality is a constituent part of its existence and its mission, with a real sense of academic community ("universitas magistrorum et scholarium") and, for that reason, where the concept of "student-centred learning" is exercised in daily practice.
However, PTI faces significant constraints: the restricted financial resources; bureaucratic and inflexible organisational structures not suitable to a small higher education institution; the ambiguities of the Romanian legislation with regards to the religious higher education institutions; and the lack of experience and capacity in attracting research funds from national and European sources.
You can read the full text of the report here.